
All Beasts on the Western Front

Survival is any living creature's first priority. Not only to survive but to live our lives to its greatest extent is any privileged human's wish. But even as comfortable as we are, in times of danger humans always revert back to the ancient animal instincts that helped us survive in the first place. An example …

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Horsing Around

The soft ruffling of savannah grass shivered in the light wind. The hard sun beat down roughly on the plains, casting large shadows over the earth. A soft paw padded the dirt before creeping forward, slowly. The breeze shifted. Another crawl forward. Its matted fur disappeared into the yellows and browns of the grass. Its …

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The Struggles of Keeping Wild Animals

As a kid, I was fascinated by animals. Every creature in my backyard was in danger of being caught and "kept". Even though few actually qualified as a pet, my young mind believed that all animals could be subjected to my entertainment. Back then, I never realized that wild animals didn't need to be taken …

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