
Horsing Around

The soft ruffling of savannah grass shivered in the light wind. The hard sun beat down roughly on the plains, casting large shadows over the earth. A soft paw padded the dirt before creeping forward, slowly. The breeze shifted. Another crawl forward. Its matted fur disappeared into the yellows and browns of the grass. Its …

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Hidden Talents of Animals

Animals are mysterious. We never know what is going on in their minds. There may be an entire organization of cats plotting to take over the world. Our pets may be secretly controlling us. Animals are constantly depicted in media as being able to understand what we are saying and communicating with one another. But …

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Animals in Danger of Extinction

Currently, the human species has documented approximately 8.7 million species living in the world today, but there may be up to 10 million if we include the ones that have not been discovered yet. Sadly, about 200-2000 species go extinct every year, including our beloved West African Black Rhino and Pyrenean Ibex, who have died …

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The Cruelty of Animal Food Industries

We all love food, right? Especially the food products that come from animals. But many of us don't realize the steps before these animals get to our plates. Animals have to suffer greatly just to provide us with luxury products like pork, chicken, beef, eggs, milk, and bacon. Here are just a few examples of …

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Misjudged Creatures

Animals come in all shapes and sizes, but sometimes, appearances can be deceiving. Here are several creatures that look cute but can actually be dangerous, and some that look scary but are completely harmless. 1. Pufferfish The pufferfish may look cute and innocent, but they are actually the second most poisonous vertebrate in the world. …

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The Struggles of Keeping Wild Animals

As a kid, I was fascinated by animals. Every creature in my backyard was in danger of being caught and "kept". Even though few actually qualified as a pet, my young mind believed that all animals could be subjected to my entertainment. Back then, I never realized that wild animals didn't need to be taken …

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Popularity between Pets

We can admit that dogs and cats are at the top of the popularity hierarchy right now, ruling with an impressive 85.8 million for dogs and 77.8 million for cats. However, freshwater fish beat them in the population viewpoint, with a whopping 142 million. Next are small animals at 24.3 million, birds at 16, and …

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